Because of hives , horrible things impact of life
Hives are back! I’m covered. I know it will take time for my stomach to heal from h pylori and it won’t happen overnight, but those few days where I was hive free have shown me what I could live like and just how much these horrible things impact of life. Feel like I’ve took a million steps back. And I’m fuming
Maggie Kuyper-Hammond So sorry to hear this. I wish everyone that has this monster of a disease can get rid of it for good. Myself included. I haven’t had any luck yet with meds and my first Xolair shot. Hang in there
Marie Bint-Whyley Its horrible and a lot of people don’t understand what we go through. I find the smaller patches but all over like your photo drive me mad compared to one or two large patches. I’ve been like you for a week. Chin up xx
Happy Jack So sorry! Xolair pretty much keeps my pressure hives, angioedema, etc in check and even the stress flares usually and I am real good, better than I ever thought I could until I had to be, at controlling my emotions, (I am a rock!) so that I don’t set off a stress related flar, cause those are the worst for me, but it’s the week I get Xolair (on Fri) my body is running on fumes lol, and I had a very stressful situation tonight and I let my emotions control me instead of the other way around and at 5 am when I have to be up at 9 for work, paying for it dearly, one eye almost swollen shut, my entire body itching and looking like I have the freaking plague. So yea it sucks, it’s not fair, and it’s total bullshit! When will this madness end????
Shannon Moya Oh no Sarah. I’ve been waiting and watching for your posts. They’ve given me such hope! I’m so sorry your having a setback . let’s hope it’s just bc your still healing and soon to be hive free.
Jen Breen Sarah try and stay positive. I know it’s hard but try and give your body time to heal. I’m sorry to see you had a set back. Fingers crossed it is only temporary.
Maggie Maye I am sorry I hope they fade quickly
Sarah Ramsay I’m gutted girls. Plus the side effects off the Meds have taken there toll . Only managed 1 week triple therapy. Just hope it’s one of the scenarios where it gets worse before it gets better .. horrible when I have a bad day I get brain fog and feel extremely fatigued. Thanks for your kind words xx
Debbie Hewson Oh gosh, I hope this is just a blip for you and they go away again.
Sarah Ramsay Still have them today. Only managed a week worth of antibiotics. 8 tabs a day took its toll on me. I’m hoping it’s because my stomach won’t heal over night . But it can take up to 2 months so there is still hope. p.s husbands stool sample came back positive today so looks like he will be ill for the next week of the tabs also. Have a sneaky feeling we caught the h pylori in Mexico 3 years back on honeymoon x
Debbie Hewson Sounds horrendous Sarah, hopefully you can continue the treatment soon. Everything crossed for you . I started taking Magnesium with zinc a week ago and hives have been much smaller in size and less of them, so will keep trying! We just have to keep searching for answers.
Stoney Scrivner So sorry, hopefully you get some relief soon!!
Chrissy May Betts I had this last night hardly any sleep through itching and burning and I’ve no idea what set it off Feel your pain honey 😧 only thing I had in was Aveeno moisturiser and a Tesco allergy tablet but Aveeno helped