Face hives tonight are just stubborn painful

My face feels twice its size and is painful to the touch.

Face hives tonight are just stubborn painful. My face feels twice its size and is painful to the touch.
My throat I can’t tell if it’s a cold coming on it’s super sore and hard to swallow. (Scary enough)
I had to take 1pill of prednisone and all other regular Allegra,Zertic,Zantac, and singular..


Donna Marie
If your throat is swollen to the point where you’re unable to swallow a pill you probably need to go to the Emergency room. Don’t want to scare you, but anaphylactic shock can be deadly.

Janet Morales
Donna Wedl unfortunately I have been there thankfully it’s been 2years since I’ve had an attack like that. I woke up with not 1 hive no swelling and a clear throat. I now know it was swelling on the inside not a sore throat

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