Having started few hives after xolair injection.

This is going to seem like nothing but this is only one leg, and just a part of it tonight. I was hive free for a little over a month. I have been on Xolair for about 3 years. After my last injection, about 2 days later I started with a few hives. We had a family issue at Thanksgiving and it has just gotten worse from there. I have gotten worse throughout the day today. As I was getting done at work this evening I started noticing more hives and my throat started closing, my stomach feels like i have fire in it and now my chest is tight. It’s going to be a long night but, I know this group gets it. Pray that 2 Benadryl and needed rest will help by morning.


Marybeth Kayne Oh you poor thing. I hope you get some relief soon.

Bill Halkias for you, and every one that goes through this!!

Marwan Darwich Hope you get well soon.

Shannon Moya I feel your pain. My feet stomach under my arms and rear end are covered. I can’t sleep because I’m just up itching.i will be calling out sick tomorrow and normally I freak out doing that. But not this time. This time I’m in too much agony to care.i had my injections Tuesday.

Kailey Lynn Gilbert I’ve Also been extra itchy since thanksgiving. Why are the holidays so stressful? Sending good vibes your way.

Sonya Bales Thank you all. But nothing let up last night. I’m broke out even more and now i have diarrhea. I still have to work today being that i will be the only one there today.

Mildred Chapin Do sorry. Hope they go away soon

Sonya Bales Thank you

Laurie A Weber Im So sorry. Can you take Otc antihistamine besides benadryl?

Laurie A Weber Do you get angioedema as well?

Sonya Bales Yes mam’ every where there are hives I am also swelled.

Sonya Bales The day has not gotten any better. My legs sting when i touch them. This picture was a few hours ago it is a lot worse now. My feet hurt because there are hives on the bottom of them. My hands are swollen and hurting and i keep shaking like I’m cold. This is getting old real quick.

Shannon Moya I feel ya sweetie. My feet are burning and itching and filled with marbles.

Sonya Bales O no. I’m so sorry!! Working on your feet all day doesnt help at all either . Ended up in the ER last night. The burning in my stomach hurt so bad i was crying. (I take pain really well.) My throat started selling up. Even though my body is even more covered in hives. I can breathe this morning and that makes things a ton better.


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