How long do Hives go away after taking Benadryl?

How long do hives go away after taking Benadryl? It is common to have hives after exposure to certain foods or medicines. Hives are not serious, but they can be bothersome. Over-the-counter medications often provide relief that may last for several hours to several days.

Those with a family history of allergies might develop urticaria, which is more severe than hives. In the first instance, they are very red, with raised bumps on the skin.

Over some time, they grow bigger and turn white. After that, they become extremely itchy until they subside and disappear. Initially, you would feel some swelling of one or more body parts like fingers, lips, hands and tongue which gradually spread over your body surface.

How long hives will last after taking Benadryl?

The answer to the current question goes to vary from person to person. It depends on the cause of your hives, their severity, and how severe your reaction was.

If you’ve been taking Benadryl and your hives are gone, then it’s safe to say that they should go away when you stop taking it.

How long hives will last after taking Benadryl depends on a few things: how severe your symptoms are, how many doses of Benadryl you take, and how much time has passed since you took the first dose.

In general, though, hives are treated with an antihistamine like Benadryl. When you take an antihistamine like Benadryl, it calms the immune system down so that it doesn’t overreact to allergens or irritants and causes hives.

Since your body reacts differently to different things, we can’t say exactly how long your hives will last once you’ve taken Benadryl. But if you’re still having symptoms after about three hours, it’s probably time to call Poison Control or go see a medical professional for advice on what to do next.

If you’re concerned about your rash or hives, talk to your doctor about ways to get rid of them quickly and safely! Hope this helps!

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