How to get rid of Wax Moths in Bee Hives?

Wax moths are threatened to destroy your beehive. This can lead to a loss of spring’s honey, and winter stores and cause ultimately the demise of your hive. If you want to know how to get rid of wax moths in beehives, here’s how.

How to get rid of Wax Moths in Bee Hives? You can catch a wax moth in a ‘wax trap.’ Making this trap is simple. Simply place some old foundation within a container and place it in the center of the brood nest. The bees will be able to place their eggs into the old foundation, but the mature wax moth will not be able to escape.

How to get rid of Wax Moths in Bee Hives?

Wax moths are invasive pests that can destroy beehives and other stored products. These pests can be difficult to control, but there are a few methods that can help you keep your bees safe from wax moth damage.

Wax moths are no joke. They can destroy your entire beehive in just a few weeks, and they’re notoriously difficult to get rid of. But we’re here to tell you that there IS a way!

If you have wax moths in your beehive, the first thing you need to do is find out how many moths are there so that you can figure out how big an issue it is for your hive.

Here’s how:

1.) Make sure your bees are fine by checking their water supply and their honey stores.

2.) Take a look at the bottom of the hive box where all of your frames are held together with nails or screws. If the holes where these things go into the wood don’t look like they’ve been chewed up by something (which would be from where the larvae were), then you don’t have a problem yet, but if they do look like they’ve been chewed up, then you probably have wax moths in your hive and should start taking action immediately!

3.) Open up each frame individually and carefully inspect it for signs of moth damage: lots of little holes around each nail or screw hole where one or two larvae may have eaten their way into the wood.

4.) Inspect your hives regularly for signs of wax moth activity. Look for holes in the comb or webbing between combs, signs of larvae damage (frass), and dead bees in front of hives.

5.) Keep your bees well fed so they don’t have to break down too much comb for food stores, which could expose them to more wax moth larvae.

6.) If you notice signs of wax moth damage, destroy any compromised combs or frames before they become infested with larvae (and possibly kill off your entire hive).

What Are Wax Moths?

Wax moths are small creatures that are found throughout the world. The adult moth is roughly 1/2 inch long, with a wingspan of about 1-1/4 inches. The larvae are about 1/4 inch long when they begin eating beeswax, and grow up to 3/4 inch long as they mature. They have an orange-brown coloring that blends into the honeycomb where they live.

How Do You Know if You Have Wax Moths?

If you notice any discoloration or holes in your beekeeping equipment or hives, it may indicate that wax moths have begun to feed on your beeswax foundation or comb. You should also keep an eye out for large brown droppings near the entrance hole of your hive these could be signs of wax moth infestation as well!


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