I have been hive free for several months on xolair and 1 Allegra a day

Has anyone had this experience and if so did your hives clear after the next injection?

Hi. I’ve been hive free for several months on xolair and 1 Allegra a day (took me 3 injections before i could come off prednisone). I had my last injection 2 weeks ago. I’ve been flaring this month. Not terribly bad, haven’t had to be on prednisone, but am up to 3-4 Allegra a day. Has anyone had this experience and if so did your hives clear after the next injection?


Dawn Hamel
I’ve been on Xolair for 3 years and the past 5 months I’m reacting the same.. I’m still better with Xolair but not hive free. Wish I had an answer for you but I don’t…I’m still better than without Xolair.

Jessica Stimmel Machado
I have flared this month on and off I think it’s the pollen and seasonal changes spring is always my worst time for allergies

Linda Wittrock
Once I flared up after xolair, I never cleared up again. Tried every 2weeks fo 4 months🥺 ,Dr. said no more after that I went with a naturopath. Much better

Jessica Fawcett
Linda Wittrock how long were you clear on xolair?

Linda Wittrock
Jessica Fawcett almost 2 years. Caused a lot of joint pain

Lisa Graham Soldati
Same here. 😢

Jessica Fawcett
Lisa Graham Soldati how long were you clear on xolair?

Lisa Graham Soldati
Jessica Fawcett, I’ve only had about 6 injections. Only started working after the 3rd injection. I was much better. Now, it’s quit working.

Jessica Fawcett
Lisa Graham Soldati how long has it not been working?

Lisa Graham Soldati
This month. I had my injection last week. My hives were returning at that point and they are returning with a vengeance. So, 6 injections. Worked for 3 months.

Jessica Fawcett
Lisa Graham Soldati ugh. I had my last injection a little over 2 weeks ago. Started flaring a week ago. They are being managed somewhat from Allegra but have a lot of breakthrough today. I’m going to see if i can get my xolair a week early and hopefully that helps

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