I’ve been getting hives for reasons medical professionals cannot explain.
I’ve been getting hives for reasons medical professionals cannot explain. No food correlations nor other products (that i know of). I actually went into anaphalaxic shock and was hospitilized. Its been driving me crazy and i cannot find out why. Does anybody have any other thoughts on why i get hives excluding allergy reasons
*Just added photos of my hives*
*also i am diagnosed with the following: Bipolar, GAD, PTSD, Acid reflux. Already ruled out stress 😋
Leaky gut. I think that’s part of my issue. Also PTSD can be part of the problem.
I do have ptsd but i was told my hives are to extreme to be anxiety/stress related
Look into MCAS disease and thyroid diseases. I have both
They checked my thyroid already but ill look into mcas
I feel bad for you we’re all in the same boat and it is miserable. I have both celiac disease and Hashimoto’s disease I’m at my wit’s end with these too.
It just drives me nuts that i don’t know why. My medical records say i went into anaphalaxic shock due to food allergy but thats wrong because (do not ask me why) the same thing i ate the day that happened i ate again and was fine. I just know in my heart there is a real reason. It really sucks in general to have hives and i joined this group because its really nice to have a variety of people’s opinions and advice. I only have one other person to talk to about random hives. I may invite her to the group tbh.
Mine started after several rounds of antobotics for my kidneys….which resulted in killing off the good bacteria in my stomach….Developed gastric issues….acid reflux.
I talked 2 Allerga / 1 zantac morning and night and 1 singular daily…. Having impeovement
I take Zyrtec and zantac In the morning when I wake Up and my horrible horrible hives are limited to almost nothing through out the day
I take the same combo i just wanna get to the bottom of why my hives happen