hi Please let me know if anyone has similar story or tips and tricks for relief .

Please let me know if anyone has similar story or tips and tricks for relief .

Wow I can’t believe it has co e to this but …here is my storey.
Went on a great vacay and came back home woke up to a swollen lip 3 mos later hives cover my arms legs and back constantly unless I’m on steroid. This is 3rd cycle of prednisone. No hives today and just found this site but burning arms back neck and ears. I am driving myself and family nuts with this!
O yeah doc says I have ciu…tried a xolair injection a week ago but hives came back worse than ever.
Really impacting my work and family as some days the hives or burn or both are intolerable especially when bottom of feet palms of hands and in my neck. I have never had hives before!
Please tell me this eventually gets better!
Good luck to all!
Please let me know if anyone has similar story or tips and tricks for relief!!


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