Six days in on 100mg cyclosporine, no prednisone and not a single hive since last week.
Should I be happy that its working??
6 days in on 100mg cyclosporine, no prednisone and not a single hive since last week.
Not sure how I feel about it because of what everyone on here has said on my last posts about cyclosporine
Should I be happy that its working??
Abbi Coy
Be happy! You deserve a break after battling Cu.
Cyclosporine had adverse reactions for me, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work miracles for someone else. We all are unique.
Paul Chopra
Debbie Heaton
Worked great for me but couldnt have it long term due to its side effects. Been on xolair 3 yrs its the best 😁
Caroline Jackson
Not everyone gets the side effects. Fingers crossed for you!
Brittanie Ann
I hope I dont get the side effects! It scares me and kidney disease runs BAD in my family
Brittany Fox
Brittanie Ann that’s why I don’t want to take it my first episode of hives lasted 8 months went a way for a year then came back
Brittany Fox
My dr told me yesterday to be on it for 2 to 3 months then they lower your dose and they cyclo kinda burns your hive out and can go into remission
Brittany Fox
I’m on day two still have hives
Brittanie Ann
I really hope I go into remission!!!!! That would be awesome but then I would stress about when will they come back
Catherine Isiminger Sandy
Of course you should be happy. Unable to even try due to having only one kidney.
Brittanie Ann
Now I just swelled up with angioedema and hives after a week of being clear.