What Are Hives That Come and Go?

Hives that come and go are a common symptom of many different types of allergies. It is normal to have a severe reaction to something once and never be exposed again. But you will find that bee stings, some foods, and cosmetics will cause hives that come and go from time to time.

Everybody gets hives from time to time, but it’s not a problem that can be ignored. If you are experiencing chronic urticaria (aka hives) for unknown reasons, consult a doctor. Hives that come and go for unknown reasons could be due to an autoimmune reaction to an underlying medical disorder.

What Are Hives That Come and Go?

Hives are an itchy, raised rash that occurs due to an allergic reaction. These rashes can appear all over your body, but they’re most common on the hands and feet. Hives are raised, and itchy bumps appear on the skin. They can be in any area of the body but are most commonly found on the arms, legs, and face. Some people also have hives inside their mouths or noses.

Hives can come and go over time. You may notice they come and go in waves that last for weeks or months at a time. When hives come and go in this way, they’re called chronic urticaria or chronic hives.

It’s not clear what causes chronic urticaria. It seems like certain foods can trigger this condition in some people with an allergic reaction to certain foods or food additives. In other cases, it seems like stress plays a role in causing chronic urticaria. Chronic hives can also be caused by an autoimmune disorder such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

If your hives come and go, you may be able to control them with lifestyle changes like avoiding triggers for your condition if possible.

Hives that come and go are usually caused by a food allergy, drug reaction, or irritation from something you’re wearing. They can also be caused by stress or anxiety.

If you’re experiencing hives that come and go, there are several ways you can treat them:

Cold compresses may help with itching and swelling. You can use ice packs or bags of frozen vegetables to ease the symptoms of hives.

Vitamin B6 is effective in treating hives, but it must be taken in large doses under a doctor’s supervision.

Antihistamines can help reduce the severity of hives if taken regularly in small doses over time.

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