What causes Hives in Adults?

The most common cause of hives is an allergy to something in the environment. The immune system reacts to allergens by producing histamine, which causes a rash or hives on the skin. Other common causes include infections such as measles and chickenpox, medications such as penicillin and aspirin, stress, temperature changes (hot or cold), exercise and many others.

Hives are raised, and itchy bumps on the skin appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly. They can last anywhere from a few minutes to several days.

What causes hives in adults? There are many different triggers for these red blotches on your skin, including medications, stress, infections and allergies.

What causes Hives in Adults?

Hive is a condition that causes red, itchy bumps to appear on the skin. It can be uncomfortable, but it’s not dangerous, and it’s usually not serious.

A few different things can cause hives in adults:

  • The most common cause of hives is an allergic reaction to something. When you’re allergic to something (like pollen or shellfish) your immune system reacts by releasing histamine into your bloodstream.
  • Histamine causes blood vessels to dilate and leak fluid into surrounding tissues, which causes swelling and itching.
  • Another common cause of hives is stress. Stress can release hormones that cause blood vessels to dilate and leak fluid into surrounding tissues, which causes swelling and itching.
  • In rare cases, hives can be caused by autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis; but most cases of autoimmune diseases don’t include hives as part of their symptom profile.

Common Allergens of Hives in Adults

In adults, the most common cause of hives is an allergic reaction to something they have come into contact with.

Common allergens include:

-Dairy products

-Fish and shellfish

-Peanuts and tree nuts

-Shellfish and crustaceans (like shrimp)

-Wheat products (wheat allergy)

-Yeast (slices of bread or baked goods)

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