hi I just have to accept people will be looking at my hives

I just have to accept people will be looking at my hives.

I’ve been in acute outbreak since the end of April. I have Hashimoto’s disease ( thyroid) and am on medication for it ( for the rest of my life). This hives outbreak was triggered by emotional stress. I have tried everything and have an allergy doctor. I eat local organic foods and most of the time am non gluten. Tried a bunch of alternative things ( herbs, raw apple cider vinegar etc). Been juicing too but not fasting. I had all the vents in my house cleaned out.

The hives create a mental and emotional downward spiral. The last two days I kept repeating affirmations and being mentally strong and tonight they became worse.

This weekend in Philly it is supposed to be 92 degrees and I’m going to a street faire I look forward to every year. I just have to accept people will be looking at my hives.


GWEN DUHON FREDERICK Oh wow.. those are pretty widespread.
When I get hives I have to stay very cool. I can’t do anything outside when it’s over 75 degrees. Heat only makes things worse.
How will you be able to go to the fair?

KATIE PFEIFFER Hi Gwen- I’m just going to go and make the rounds of my favorite stalls very quickly. I’ll wear a spider web crochet sweater, big sunglasses and
then go home and soak in a cold bath.

LYNN LUCAS GOULD Hi Katie, welcome. I am so sorry that you are going through this. What antihistamines are you taking currently for the hives?

KATIE PFEIFFER Hi Lynn- Zyrtec 2 x a day, benadryl if needed. Been on prednisone 3 times since latest outbreak. Saw my allergy doctor last week. She gave me script for more prednisone which I filled but didn’t take. She wants me to get those Zolair shots. Also on Zantac- the acid reflux is bad.

LYNN LUCAS GOULD Sounds like you’re covering your bases. I don’t know if you are taking the Zantac at the same time as the antihistamines, but you might want to give it a try. An ER doctor told me that the antacids boost the effects of the antihistamines when taken together. When my hives started over 2 years ago, they were much like yours. I’ve been working on my gut health for the past several weeks, and avoiding foods that I find make them worse. I am also taking a good probiotic. All of these thing in conjunction, seem to be making my outbreaks less severe as they used to be. Perhaps a good probiotic would help over time if you’re not already taking one? Just a thought. Stress seems to be a big culprit for a lot of people with chronic hives.

KATIE PFEIFFER Lynn Lucas Gould I do take Zantac and also refrigerated probiotics. Also, I make a smoothie with green super food powder from the health food store, aloe Vera juice, organic blueberries and a banana.

KAMMY EISENBERG I feel you. The last few days I look much like you too. So sorry.

KRISTEN TOONE I’m sorry for your struggles. Hope you find some relief, somehow and some way.

LU PEREZ MIDDLETON Air hugs!!! I have been dealing with the same thing for a few months. It is challenging to go out and have fun with hives all over your body. I hope you find relief soon.

JOHNSCINDI FAGAN A few recently have had success drinking Living Clay. Do a search. Bentonite Clay. Doesn’t work for everyone- for some it is a miracle.

KATIE PFEIFFER Thank you JohnsCindi Fagan I will research this.

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