hi Naturopaths and allergists seem to be offering more than dermatologists.

Naturopaths and allergists seem to be offering more than dermatologists.

My Naturopath gave me so many supplements and I was on Prednisone at the time so I am unsure of which one might be helping the most and not willing to experiment. I’ve been off Prednisone over a week and only dealing with a few break through hives.
Yesterday I showed you the apple cider, today I will add two more. She listed both under the category “for chronic Urticaria and modulation of immune response”. The Vitamin A she has me taking similar to Prednisone and tapering. 6 a day for 6 days, 5 for 5, 4 for 4 and so on until bottle gone. For those on Prednisone, the Adrenal Cortex might be of particular interest. This is what she has listed under it “Natural adrenal support as you taper Prednisone. If reduction in steroid is not tolerated well, add one capsule in the morning or at lunch. May increase to 2 a day, but never after 3 pm.”
I thought I was doing well so I didn’t actually start until Sunday, a week after Prednisone. I am taking one at lunch. I think my breakthrough hives have been less since adding. Please don’t give up friends!
There is a solution out there. It may be different for each of us. I consider myself lucky to have had physicians over the years to work with me on solutions. If you are not getting that, it is time to find someone new. Just an observation watching posts for a while. Naturopaths and allergists seem to be offering more than dermatologists.


Amanda O’Shea Thank you for the info Beth

Beth Carrier Fye Amanda O’Shea No problem! We are all in this together. My heart aches for those in active flares as I have been there many times. I want everyone to know it is possible to be hivefree again. It’s hard when you feel so defeated.

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