Why Do Your Family Get Hives?

Do your family members get hives? Do you know why hives happen? Family hives are a very common type of urticaria an itchy rash that affects many people. It is also known as nettle rash or the red man syndrome because some sufferers develop red blotches on their faces after exposure to fresh air and sunlight. Here we look at the causes and treatments of hives in families.

Family get-togethers can be fun but if you have relatives that get hives when you are spending time with them, it is not much fun. But why does this happen? Why do some people get hives? Is there anything you can do to prevent the hive or help a person start getting better once they have hives on their body?

Why Do Your Family Get Hives?

Hives are a common skin condition that causes red, raised welts on the skin that are itchy and uncomfortable. The skin may swell and itch intensely, causing discomfort to the person affected by hives.

When a person gets hives, their immune system becomes overactive and releases chemicals into the bloodstream. These chemicals cause blood vessels to dilate and become very sensitive to touch or pressure, which is why people with hives often experience itching when they rub or scratch their skin.

Hives can occur anywhere on the body and are often triggered by allergic reactions to food, stings from insects or plants, medications (such as penicillin), latex clothing, and even stress.

Although hives are not usually dangerous, they can be very uncomfortable for those who experience them. There are treatments available for people who suffer from chronic hives attacks but for short-term outbreaks, there are some tips you can try at home before consulting your doctor about getting tested for allergies:

1) Try not to scratch or pick at your skin too much; this will only make things worse! Instead, use cold compresses or ice packs to soothe the itching sensation caused by hives.

2) Drink lots of water throughout the day

3) Keep a food journal for a few days and write down everything you eat and drink. Then check the list against this list of common allergen triggers.

4) If there’s no obvious food trigger, check off each item on the list below until you find one that matches your symptoms:

• Dairy products (lactose)

• Eggs (egg whites)

• Fish (crustaceans)

• Peanuts/tree nuts (nuts/seeds)

• Soybeans/soy products (protein)


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