hi How many does it take to take these Hives away

How many does it take to take these Hives away

I will receive my 7th injection of Xolair Monday. How many does it take to take these Hives away. I’m about to loss my mind. I can’t take anymore.. Any suggestions?!


Betsy Starrett DeVore Looks painful! Hope you get relief soon

Maggie Maye I am so sorry.. I had to go on Tacrolimus (immune Suppressant), with xolair..to have relief….I hope you get relief soon

Julia Fontera Xolair is not working for you you should stop my doc was on the board for the fda approval of xolair for ciu he said by 4 or 6 if your not back to normal its not for u. Hugs i am so sorry

Yvonne Visée Clohessy I took it 3x and my dr stopped as it made mine worse. But immusuppressant drugs are working.

Michele Bledsoe Crowe What are u taking?

Avshalomov Debbie Hi Michele , I am taking cyclosporin and its working well..it’s worth for u to try

Yvonne Visée Clohessy Michele I’m on cyclosporine, it worked really well, hives free, for over 2 years, since Nov I’ve started to break out again, but it doable.

Heather Maurer I feel your pain. I’m getting shot number six Wednesday and just had labs done. Awaiting results..hives every freaking day and swelling. Mornings and nights are hell. Some relief in the afternoon. Sending prayers your way.

Amy Seabrook I’m so sorry. Please hang in there xx

Christymae N Kenny Dean I’m sorry you have to deal with this crap! It’s super draining and painfully itchy! Feel better

Stephany Boyles The only thing that worked for me was time. I tried every medication and home remedy. I found things that help ease the itch and pain but nothing stopped them from happening or even prevented my face from swelling. It has been just over a year and they are slowly burning out. While I get them they are gradually getting less frequent Much like how they gradually got worse. I went many months in a row without a single day of relief. In time they will burn themselves out. It’s shitty road but if I can make it, anyone can! Good luck to you:)

Sue Elshire Hargrave I am so glad to hear you are finding your hives less bothersome, and that they are waning! Yay!

Emily Stafford Best wishes Hun! Goodluck hope u feel better soon!!!

Adele Counter Look at those mothers. It’s like having killer bee stings over your body. .I am trying my best to stay possitive..maybe we should start naming each hive. But I think mine would be to rude to put on here Get some aloe Vera on them.x

Angie Colt Hultgren So sorry!!! Xolair did not work for me. Dr. Took me off after 6 doses. Cyclosporin worked for me!!!!!!

Rosalyn A Jarrett-Davis I wish I could take cyclosporin, made my blood pressure go sky high. I’m on Xolair, it’s so expensive.

Melissa Monteiro Rosalyn A Jarrett-Davis did you look into copay assistance for xolair? It saved the day for me!

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