hi I found this beneficial so thought I would share.

I found this beneficial so thought I would share.

I listened to a podcast on Functional Medicine and this Doctor spoke. It was very interesting so I bought her book on Amazon. Hives since August everyday, tried no gluten, no dairy, only protein shake- nothing helped. Been on Benadryl, Zyrtec 3 times a day, steroids 4 times. All besides my prior acid reflux meds. So now on Dapsone and increased it to 50 (2) am and 50 (2) pm and this Histamine restricted diet and only getting a few each day! Oh skin tests were all negative. I currently am thinking I am Histamine intolerant and hormones triggered it, as I am pre- menopausal per my hormone blood work. It triggered the enzyme that counters Histamine to change in my bloodstream- DAO. I found this beneficial so thought I would share.
This book makes sense to me


JEANNIE BRZIZINSKI BOSTLER Keep at it Michelle! It takes a long time to heal your gut! As long as you are getting relief, that is a great sign, you are on the right track! I’m hive free for about 3 months now.

MELANIE NOOSBOND Thats so awesome you figured it out so quickly

DANIELLE SHEPPARD Dapsone 50 x twice a day has me hive free!

AMANDA FOREST Sounds like me
I am seeing a naturopath to help heal my gut
I will look for that book now x

MARCEL VON RIVA I think it could be the right way. I’ve read many times that histamine intolerance could be the reason for urticaria. It’s because of the bad food we get. Some food is poison for our body. Most poison seat in the gut and make trouble with our Health. Wish you all the best! I can only say that my urticaria is much better with my diet including no gluten and no milk.


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