hi I think my hives are from parasites

I think my hives are from parasites

I had backed off on my anti-parasite supplements the day before.

I think my hives are from parasites.
Ive had horrific hives for the last year and I posted a few weeks ago that I had gotten a parasite test that came back positive for a large amount of the parasite blastocystis hominis. I gave myself an intense natural parasite detox including a three day celery juice cleanse along with every supplement parasites hate. I have only had two single hives pop up in the last two weeks and that was because I had backed off on my anti-parasite supplements the day before.
I am currently having a broader spectrum parasite test done now to see what else is going on. I am still having to take the anti-parasite natural supplements every day or my skin starts crawling. Im currently seeing a gastroenterologist that treats parasites because I may need a few rounds of prescribed parasite meds.To think that all my hive suffering could have been from parasites. Either way, I have been hive free for two weeks so I’m doing something right.


Kimberley Quirk
Awesome yes I have blastocytis hominus too – its hard to shake

Jen Foglia
Every time I stop taking my parasite herbs my skin starts crawling so I think im going to need meds

Kimberley Quirk
Jen Foglia I’ve done so many protocols including meds still sticks around

Jen Foglia
Try mimosa pudica

Jen Foglia
Black walnut and clove?

Kimberley Quirk
Took all of those – I think have to take again awaiting parasite test results crossing my fingers

Kimberley Quirk
I started mimosa pudica again I think I irritated it bc hives came and hadn’t had much before

Jen Foglia
Im waiting for my second test results as well

Kimberley Quirk
Jen Foglia this is like 5th Test since 2016

Jen Foglia
Kimberley Quirk did you just have the blasto?

Jen Foglia
I passed a foot and a half long ropeworm the first night of the detox

Susan Belloni
Where did you get the list of herbs, etc to take?

Kimberley Quirk
Jen Foglia I tested positive for only blastocytis but I’ve passed rope worms and liver flukes

Kimberley Quirk
Susan Belloni I see a naturopathic doctor.

Sydney Shank
If you believe you have a parasite please talk to your doctor about a more efficient and effective way of ridding it from your body. Natural supplements can only do so much.

Jen Foglia
Sydney Shank im going to be taking a round of antiparasitic antibiotics as soon as my second round of tests come back

Sydney Shank
Jen Foglia good luck to you!

Jen Foglia
Sydney Shank im still blown away that all my suffering was because of parasites

Jen Foglia
Sydney Shank what’s even worse is that I would still be suffering thinking that the hives were because of my immune system. Not one of my drs suggested a parasite test. I requested it

Julia Koranyi
Jen Foglia what kind of doctor will do parasite tests? What do I ask for?

Jen Foglia
Julia Koranyi it depends on what your insurance will cover. I called my family dr, my endo, my immunologist, four infectious disease drs and not one of them would treat me. I ended up finding a gastroenterologist who will treat me for parasites and im now having more tests done. What you want is to ask for an extensive stool test that will test for as many parasites as they can. Do you have a good gastro?

Julia Koranyi
Jen Foglia I have a friend who is a nurse practitioner, she said she can do stool test to test for ova and parasites.

Julia Koranyi
Jen Foglia I’m starting doxepin tonight. I’m on 15 pills a day consisting of zyrtec, allegra, zantac, singulair, benadryl. I just got off of steroid prednisone and as soon as I stopped hives back all over
This is unbearable

Jen Foglia
Julia Koranyi I truly hope its something fixable like parasites. I dont want to spend the rest of my life like this

Jen Foglia
I haven’t taken any antihistamines

Caroline Wilkinson
My goodness! This must me scary! How do you get these parasites in you?

Jen Foglia
Each parasite has a different means of entering the body

Jen Foglia
Each species I mean

Jessie Grinnan
It’s crazy that you posted this because I’ve suspected blasto since my hives started. But I’m breastfeeding and so I can’t really go crazy with the antiparasitics.

David Weston
Jessie Grinnan Some parasites can move through breast milk into the baby…

Jen Foglia Id get tested

Susan Belloni
The problem with this horrible disease is thinking the last thing you took before you went into remission was the cure.

Jen Foglia
Susan Belloni Its just odd that I tested positive for a high amount of parasites and did a brutal natural parasite detox and have no hives now for two weeks. I went from hundreds of hives to zero overnight.

Jen Foglia
Im still doing the parasite detox every day and when I don’t take it my skin crawls. I know when I eat/take something the parasites dont like because my skin crawls for a few hours but no hives.

Jen Foglia
Im being tested for other parasites and am praying that this has been the cause all along

Susan Belloni
Jen Foglia I really hope so and it could be due to the parasites. Those of us with hives also get prickling in our skin without a hive breakout and I think that is the histamine releasing, but that is only a guess, but it usually means you still have the problem but the histamine overload is suppressed for some reason so the hives don’t break out. Keep us posted and truly happy you are felling better and no hives! That is the BEST!

Jen Foglia
Believe me ive suffered with every type of hive known to man this last year. Ive lost work, been to the ER, I have to carry an epipen, it sucks. So far this is the only thing that I can link to my hives and the parasite detox ive been doing has also been the only thing that has made me hive free for weeks. Antihistamines never worked for me.

Susan Belloni
Yep, they call it “refractory hives” when the antihistamines don’t work. Really sorry you needed an epipen and ER visits. Scary stuff. I used Goldenseal for awhile and thought it may have been helpful but hard to tell. Where did you get your list of things to take all at once? Your own research?

Susan Belloni
Yep, they call it “refractory hives” when the antihistamines don’t work. Really sorry you needed an epipen and ER visits. Scary stuff. I used Goldenseal for awhile and thought it may have been helpful but hard to tell. Where did you get your list of things to take all at once? Your own research?

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