hi I was on a very high dose of steroids.

I was on a very high dose of steroids.

hives 54

the first day in over 5 months that I woke up with 0 hives on my body. (Other than a short time that I was on a very high dose of steroids) I feel like I’ve received a miracle. I had my IUD removed yesterday, and by the end of the night my hives were gone. I can’t tell you how blessed I feel. I still can’t believe it. I am praying like crazy that this continues, and I am also praying for all of you who suffer tremendously with this terrible illness, to find some relief, help and solutions very soon! Thanks to joining this group I was able to get the idea that it could have been I IUD causing the hives. I’m certain that I wouldn’t be feeling this good tonight had I not joined. Thank you!


LYNN LUCAS GOULD So very happy for you! This group is great! So many helpful ideas!

JEANNIE BRZIZINSKI BOSTLER That is great news! I hope you found your cure!

CHERIE FLEMING ERBRICK That’s great! Can I ask what type of IUD you had?

STACI SORENSEN Cherie Fleming Erbrick I had mine put in almost 9 months before mine started. But after months of racking my brain and cutting out all sorts of foods, and ripping my life apart trying to figure it out. I thought it was worth a shot! And it was!

SARAH SPEARS STEWART This is amazing – so glad you are getting some relief!!!

AMANDA WILCOXEN Can you update us on your hives? Did they return or stay away?

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